Member Tools & Resources
UW Extension Wyoming Master Gardener Volunteer Reporting Website
Master Gardeners may log their volunteer & continuing education hours through this website
If you prefer to submit a hard copy instead, click here for the Annual Service Log -- provide this form to the UW Laramie County Extension Horticulturist no later than September 30th (annually) to retain Active Status
LCMG Contact Information
Canva (Graphic Design Application)
The LCMG obtained a 50-person, non-profit subscription to Canva, and it is made available to LCMG Members creating LCMG Projects and Publicity (preference provided to Officers & Committee Chairpersons). Please email the if you would like an account.
Click Here for Canva Tutorials​​​​​
Google Workspace "How To" Sheets ( accounts)
Please contact the LCMG Secretary at with Google Workspace questions.
Working with Calendars
Working with Email
Google Drive (File Storage)
Google Forms (Surveys, Forms, etc.)
Google Groups - How to Use Google Groups as an email distribution list