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LCMG Officers, Advisors, and Committees

Executive Board Officers


Tasha T.


Vice President

Kormakur H.



Tammy H.



Suzanne S.


Advisors and Delegates

LCMG Advisor

Hannah Mills

University of Wyoming,

Laramie County Extension Horticulturist

(307) 633-4383

Delegates to the
Wyoming Master Gardener Association

Lyla H. and Laura M.

Alternate: Marla S.

Standing Committees

Bylaws Committee


Becky M.

At least every 2 years, the Bylaws Committee assembles to accept and review proposed changes to the LCMG Bylaws and LCMG Policies & Procedures (P&P). They meet for several months to collect proposals and then present these recommendations to Active Members for a vote. The next planned review is in 2026.

Financial Review Committee



Annually, on behalf of the membership, the Financial Review Committee examines financial transactions and procedures to verify accountability of LCMG Funds Management in accordance with the LCMG Bylaws and LCMG Policies & Procedures. Examinations are conducted each January, reporting a summary at the first membership meeting of the second quarter. They may also convene upon election of a new Treasurer or as directed by the Executive Board.

Project Development Committee


Tom M.

The Project Development Committee explores, solicits, evaluates, and recommends to the Active Membership, projects in Laramie County that reflect LCMG Objectives.

Education Committee



See subcommittee emails

Adult Education is divided into several smaller sub-committees. Each sub-committee must have their own chairperson to remain an active committee. The Adult Education sub-committees include: -- Ask-A-Master Gardener (Chair: Rich L.), The Ask-a-Master Gardener subcommittee provides an LCMG presence at various events such as garden shows, local farmers’ markets, and conferences. They answer questions from the public about gardening and/or about the Master Gardener program. The committee organizes yard calls, as required, and fields gardening questions submitted to the email address. -- Seed Library of Laramie County (Co-chairs Maggie M. & Michelle B.): collaborates with the Laramie County Library in maintaining the Seed Library of Laramie County, a joint project started in 2017 between the LCMG and the Laramie County Library System. This committee supports library-hosted presentations and workshops for beginning gardeners several times a year and makes seeds available at no cost to the public. The Seed Library of Laramie County is housed at the Laramie County Library. -- Speaker Series (Chair Catherine W.): organizes the High Plains Gardening Lecture Series by finding speakers for the series, setting the lecture dates, and providing event management. Youth Education (Co-chairs Maggie M. and Linnie C.): works with Laramie County organizations to bring gardening experiences to children and young adults.  Members of this committee have the option of working directly with children or helping maintain gardens for children such as the garden at the Boys & Girls Club of Cheyenne.

Programs Committee


Ken K. and Kormakur H.

The Programs Committee plans educational presentations for monthly membership meetings (typically Jan-Apr, June, and Sept-Nov), and other events.

Public Relations Committee


Suzanne S.

The Public Relations Committee manages & helps disseminate information about the LCMG & its events to the public through various media, including traditional print media, radio, television, & digital resources (LCMG Website & social media). Facebook Administrator (Pam G.) -- manages & maintains LCMG’s Facebook page (@LaramieCountyMasterGardeners) posting items of gardening interest & news of upcoming LCMG events. Instagram Administrator (Vacant) -- manages & maintains LCMG's Instagram Channel (@mastergardenerslaramiecounty); if you are interested in becoming an admin for our IG account, please email with your interest. Webmaster (Suzie S.), -- maintains the LCMG website ( YouTube Channel (Admin: Catherine W.) -- establishing a LCMG YouTube Channel in 2024.

Other Committees

Annual Plant Sale


Clavel T.

This committee plans and conducts the annual in-person Plant Sale, typically held in May. This committee organizes and advertises the event, arranges venue location & requirements, organizing work crews for setup and teardown of the sale. They also solicit LCMG Members & Interns to grow & provide plants for the sale, as well as order commercial varieties known to perform well within Laramie County. The tremendous effort is made possible with the support of: -- The Rose Committee (Co-chairs Mary Ann K and Alice T.): selects a variety of roses that can survive the harsh Wyoming climate, procures the plants, arranges the sale and distribution of the plants. -- The Soil Committee (Chair: Pam G.),, procures and sells high quality potting soil. This soil may be available for public purchase during the Annual Plant Sale.

Fall Bulbs Fundraising Committee


Kathy S.

The Fall Bulb Fundraising Committee selects bulbs to offer for sale, collects orders and prepares the orders for customer pick-up.  This sale is usually held in late August or September with bulb delivery in October. The committee becomes active in July when bulbs are selected and again when bulbs are distributed in October. The next Fall Bulb Fundraiser will occur in 2025.

Mini-Garden Tours & Trips


Heidi M.

The Mini-Garden Tours & Trips Committee finds Master Gardeners and other local gardeners willing to invite Master Gardeners and their family and friends to tour their gardens. The committee also arranges member tours of horticultural destinations such as botanic gardens, universities, nature centers, nurseries, etc.

Nominating Committee

Not activated yet



In accordance with the LCMG Bylaws, Article VII (Nominations and Elections), at least three (3) Active Members are elected by the Active Membership to this committee prior to the Annual Meeting (typically September). Once elected, the members of this committee find/solicit at least one nominee for each of the projected Executive Board vacancies and present these nominees for election to the LCMG Executive Board at the Annual Meeting in October.

Bare Root Tree & Shrub Committee


Catherine W.

The Bare Root Tree & Shrub Committee organizes the LCMG's Spring Fundraiser. The committee typically becomes active in August when trees and shrubs are selected and ordered. In January, online sales open for public pre-orders. In late April or early May, nurseries ship bare root trees & shrubs to the LCMG & this committee organizes the distribution of the plants to customers. Any plants that do not sell online are brought to the in-person Annual Plant Sale and sold there.

Garden Walk Committee

Not activated yet



The Garden Walk Committee schedules and organizes a biennial community garden walk, with the next walk planned for 2025. Volunteers locate Laramie County residents and businesses willing to offer their gardens for the public to tour. They solicit LCMG Hosts & Hostesses for each garden and prepare an informational brochure for the Garden Walk.

Native Plants Committee


Ken K. and Laura M.

The Native Plants Committee creates and identifies opportunities to learn about, identify, grow/propagate, collect seed and salvage native plants of Laramie County within Laramie County.
Laramie County Master Gardeners Logo

P.O. Box 2540
Cheyenne, WY 82003

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Laramie County Master Gardeners is a 501(c)(3) IRS-designated tax-exempt organization.

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